Joining us for Innovation Over Coffee is simple and easy; Simply click on our join tab at the bottom of the page and we will notify you when our next session of Innovation Over Coffee is scheduled. When you join us for the first time we will send you a Starbucks gift card so that you can enjoy you first cup of coffee on us. We look forward to see you at our next session.
Expertise, Inspiration & Innovation
Innovation over Coffee
Innovation over Coffee is presented by Innovative Formulations and includes new ways to motivate, encourage and for self improvement. In addition Innovative over coffee will our highlight quality and creative products that were designed to change and improve our industry. Innovative formulation has thousands of products covering many categories and applications that will benefit your orgainization.

Innovation over Coffee

Motivation is often the result of action, not the cause of it. Getting started, even in very small ways, is a form of active inspiration that naturally produces momentum.
Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best.
- St. Jerome -

Morning Mix
RISE UP -I will be confident
Motivation from Steven Furtick for reaching new heights - I will Be Confident - Encouragement to start your day off on the right foot. You were made for greatness, embrace the gifting God has placed within you and share you good fortune, wisdom and encouragement with all those you meet today.

Your history is not your destiny
Motivation from TD Jakes- Your history is not your destiny - Encouragement to start your day off on the right foot. You were made for greatness, embrace the gifting God has placed within you and share you good fortune, wisdom and encouragement with all those you meet today.

When it comes to making resolutions, consider goals based on process instead of outcome. That way, you can sustain momentum by celebrating small, frequent victories.
Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
- Lao Tzu -

Unleashing Your Limitations
Your Limitations are not the lid but are your launching pad- from Steven Furtick for All things are new - you can- Encouragement to start your day off on the right foot. You were made for greatness, embrace the gifting God has placed within you and share you good fortune, wisdom and encouragement with all those you meet today.

Living With Higher Expectations
Believe in Something Different - Will Smith-decide on greatness -You are who you choose to be. Encouragement to start your day off on the right foot. You were made for greatness, embrace the gifting God has placed within you and share you good fortune, wisdom and encouragement with all those you meet today.
sign up for our next live session of Innovation over coffee

Join us for Innovation Over Coffee and you will be notified of our next live session. When you sign up we will e-mail you date and time of the session and we will send you a FREE Starbuck's gift card just for joining. So enjoy your first cup of coffee on us and enjoy our next innovative and motivational session of Innovation Over Coffee.
sign up for our next live session of Innovation over coffee

Join us for Innovation Over Coffee and you will be notified of our next live session. When you sign up we will e-mail you date and time of the session and we will send you a FREE Starbuck's gift card just for joining. So enjoy your first cup of coffee on us and enjoy our next innovative and motivational session of Innovation Over Coffee.